The first and only ITEC & WSQ certified postnatal care in China!



Jessica YuanQian

之前在新加坡待过6年,一直有听同事说马来产后按摩, 按完后床上居然会留下排出的水渍!之前在论坛上四处问刚生产完的妈妈哪里有马来婆介绍来家按摩,没想到回国生产居然在上海也被我找到了。我做的是7天的疗程,感觉5天太短怕没效果,10天的又太贵(没办法,屌丝一枚)。做完3天就感觉腹部平坦了好多,最后7天疗程做完我对比了一下,腰背的线条明显出来了,盆骨也有缩小。我爱你sandy!

Heather Watts

I am very impressed with Genteel Jamu massage, It was sheer bliss! My feet was swollen after the delivery and the massage lady voluntarily assisted to press my lymph nodes, I started to pass out the water and within 2 sessions, my feet was back to normal! As a new mom, my milk production was really little and the flow was slow. Immediately after her massage, I could express 150ml of breastmilk! That is only the second week after delivery. Her skills and the hot stone was soooo soothing that I found myself fell asleep during every session. I got prompt reply from the customer service and enjoyed every single moments. Highly recommended!

Jocelyn Yeow



生产完看到自己松弛过度三层肉般的肚皮,我真的真的感觉到了恐慌。在朋友的推荐下我尝试了Genteel Jamu postnatal massage。Jamu就是马来话的草药,相当于我们的中药,这种按摩就是用各种药草磨成的糊去按肚皮,达到收肚和产后收缩子宫的功效。常听老人们说生产后要驱风,但那些风不是涂些驱风油就有用的。Jamu不只可以收肚,推子宫复位,还有驱风的作用,一举三得。整个疗程大约有100分钟,我选择的是10天的Royal套餐又追加了4天。60分钟的按摩过后专业按摩师会用一种马来绑带紧紧地裹着你的肚皮至臀部(真的好紧好紧地勒住),有裹成半个木乃伊那么紧。按摩师还会贴心的帮你拍治疗前后肚皮的区别,就像整容广告样的变化!整个massage的重点就是,按摩师会体贴的上门,在你自己的睡床上为你按摩。生产后喂夜奶累坏了的妈妈们,有什么好的过足不出户地放松一下呢?更何况享受的同时居然肚皮也消啦~我很满意自己的变化,希望你也会。

Yvette Gilbert

This is such an Asian thing but I am so glad that I did it! I am a total massage fan and the thing I missed the most during my entire pregnancy is a full body aroma oil massage, it is such a blessing thing that I engaged genteel jamu massage service. My session started 6 weeks after giving birth cause I had a C-section delivery, it’s absolutely re ging. I totally loved it and am glad I went for it too! The therapist was able to clear my block ducts which smoothen the engorgement. I will definitely recommend her to my friends.

Georgina Tan

Hi, I just finished the session and lost about 6kilos in a total of 7days. I had tons of issues during my pregnancy so I had put on so much of weight. I just felt relived after I removed the binder on the first day, it’s an amazing experience that so much changes could be made on a single day. My massage masseur was so kind and gentle, she gave me a lot of confinement advices that helped me coping with my post-natal blues. I am just happy that I did the session and made me feel confident about myself again. Amazing and impressive experience.

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